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Thread Gauge for Bolts & Screws | SAE Inch & Metric


Made in the USA, patented thread gauge tool for identifying, sizing, and sorting threaded fasteners

Quickly find the exact right size for replacing damaged or missing screws or bolts. The Boltsorter is the best thread pitch gauge for quickly sizing and sorting bolts, screws, and other threaded fasteners. 

It's the easiest way on the market to sort and identify 30 common threaded fastener sizes in standard (SAE) and metric, both coarse and fine threads.

Identify the thread diameter, threads per inch, and length of the fastener in question—everything you need to know to find an exact match—all with one inexpensive, durable polycarbonate tool. One side measures standard sizes (inches) and the other side measures metric sizes. 

Saves time by eliminating the guesswork. No more running to the hardware store multiple times to get the right replacement fastener! When the bolt or screw fits, you know the size. 


Made in the USA and protected by U.S. Patent D819,464 and U.S. Patent D850,940

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